Email* Organisation name*Website Delivery AddressContact name*Position in OrganisationContact telephonePlease select the options that best describe your organisation Charity Not for profit Community Group Education Business (fewer than 49 employees) Business (50-249 employees) Business (more than 250 employees) Arts organisation Please describe your organisation and premisesBriefly tell us why your interested in loaning a sculpture.Why do you think your organisation would make a good placement for a sculpture?Do you have any experience in caring for sculpture?YesNoWho is the audience you will attract for the sculpture? Select All Staff Visitors Customers Users Public Other Please describe any spaces where you would consider placing the sculptureSculpture preferencesPlease note all kinds of display for sculptures that are best suited to your organisation Indoors Outdoors Floor-based Freestanding On a plinth In a case Wall-mounted Hung from ceiling Is there any particular types of work (materials, processes, themes, subjects) that might be particularly suitableLooking after your sculptureWho will look after the sculpture (cleaning, maintenance, responsibility)Would you be interested in SPG maintaining the sculpture on your behalf (paid-for service)YesNoConsidering duration of adoption, please tick any and all answers that apply One year only Reassess after year one Renew anually Other Other, please state (one year minimum, except in specifically negotiated temporary agreements)Would you like to enter into a dialogue with the artists? E.g. Contract them to do talks, events, on-going relationshipYesNoNot sureImages of location or possible locationsImage 1Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png.Image 2Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png.Image 3Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png.* I agree to the terms outlined in the privacy policyClick here to read our privacy policy